What people are saying about our homes.

  • The couple found technological environmentally friendly solutions to make their living space functional, comfortable, and above all economical.

    Mônica Nóbrega / Casa&

  • Although many people think a contemporary house is sterile and definitely not family-friendly, this one proves them wrong. Thanks to a mix of warm and cold materials (mahogany, stainless steel, tinted glass) and the generous use of primary colors (cobalt, red, yellow, green), not to mention Rejane's powerful and colorful paintings, the house is welcoming and personal. And it is evenly warm throughout due to cost-efficient radiant heat in the floors.

    Marge Colborn / Detroit News Design Editor

  • O casal lançou mão de soluções tecnológicas e ambientalmente corretas para tornar a morada funcional, confortável e sobretudo econômica.

    Mônica Nóbrega / Casa&